Questions about Shamanic Healing
Most people do, so don't worry. And you don't need to know what type of shamanic healing you need. It is enough to feel the need for something to change in your self or your life.
One of two things probably happened. Either the practitioner didn't do his/her part or they did and you were not able to integrate the soul parts. For a soul retrieval session, the integration is as important as the original retrieval.
There are many "practitioners" who are not initiated shamans. For a soul retrieval to be effective you need to work with an experienced and initiated shaman who assists you in the integration of your soul parts over the following weeks and months. It is the practitioner's responsibility to clarify what happened in the session and what you need to do to follow-up and integrate the energies addressed in the session. Christina has over 20 years experience as an initiated shaman with the healing and integration of shamanic work.
You don't need to know. Good sound shamanic healing involves two parts: the diagnosis and the remedy. A shamanic healer goes to spirit first to ask for the diagnosis. With this comes clarity about the true source of the problem. Then the shaman asks spirit for the remedy. All you need to bring to the session is a need for things to change and a willingness to let them.
While many shamanic cultures do expect you to disrobe for your healing, we do not. The primary transformations that take place in the session occur in the invisible world or the realm of spirit. The session begins with intake questions or feedback on the previous session. Then the shamanic healing begins and what happens depends on the diagnosis the shaman makes with spirit. However, generally the client lies comfortably on the floor, breathing and listening to the shaman's journey. The shaman lies next to the client and narrates the journey and the events that are occurring in the spirit realm. When energies are retrieved or released this is done with light touch, breath, and/or work with rattles, feathers, smudge, or sound.
Common symptoms are:
- feeling that you somehow aren't whole or something is missing
- chronic inability to do what you intend to do, loss of focus, energy or desire
- committed efforts to create a change in your life just don't pay off
- little or no response to conventional treatments or pharmaceuticals
- persistent lack of energy, vitality, emotion or passion
- confusion about boundaries and your own sense of self
- disconnection, inability to ground in your body, or dissociation
- chronic depression, anxiety, or other emotional patterns
- addiction or other behavioral patterns that are self defeating or destructive